Reflections in 2018 with objectives in 2019

It’s the time of the year again – reflections in 2018 and new targets in 2019. Just like a company performance review, it’s good to take a pit stop. I hope my post below serves as an inspiration to many or perhaps to reflect back on where you are and what you plan to do in 2019. Every individual is different - this makes us very special in our own way. For me, in investment - it’s always good to “be open but pragmatic, have a stronger conviction and guts to proceed but make sure it’s something you truly understand." In case you will like to read my end year post for 2017 – it’s written here . Things which I did in 2018 To have one or two “killer stocks” in my portfolio I still hold on to Keppel Corporation, a local conglomerate that I believe will reap in future earnings potential from a multi-pronged strategy. The new growth drivers are properties (especially in Vietnam) and urban solutions. Keppel Urban...